Monday, February 22, 2016

The Spanish American War

The political cartoon is about the Spanish American War. The cartoonists message is that the U.S would expand too much. Since after the Spanish American war Uncle Sam added Cuba, The Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico to his suit designed as the American flag. Others might think the U.S. is expanding too much by adding Cuba, The Philippines Guam and Puerto Rico. The cartoonist used labeling on the suit and on the fabrics. Their is also labeling on the jars which say anti expansion policy. The cartoonist used symbolism by showing how the suit symbolized the new land, and how Uncle Sam was over expanding by getting bigger. While the people in the back are trying to give him anti expansion medicine. This cartoon supports my view on American imperialism. Since it shows how the U.S. grew too big and was over expanding which is what my position was and that it was adding new territory it couldn't withstand.
"Ridiculing the Anti-Imperialist League's Opposition to the Conquest of the Philippines." Ridiculing the Anti-Imperialist League's Opposition to the Conquest of the Philippines. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

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