Monday, February 22, 2016

The Open Door Policy

The issue in this political cartoon is The Open Door Policy. The Open Door Policy was a policy that enabled countries to form monopolies in trade with china. The cartoonists message is that the U.S had the key to open up china to the world. As countries wait outside the gates to go and trade. While the Chinese citizens are waiting anxiously for visitors. Others might think that the U.S acted as if it had control of the key, and that it used its power to gain more. The cartoonist used labeling. On the key written American Diplomacy, and at the top written China. There is also symbolism involved. Since Uncle Sam holding the key symbolizes him having control of it and opening china to the world. This cartoon supports my position on American imperialism, because with The Open Door Policy the U.S was able to acquire raw materials and that helped us expand and grow to where we are today.
"Open Door, Boxers, and Bananas." K.C. Schwartz. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

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