Monday, February 22, 2016

The Purchase of Alaska

In this political cartoon the issue is the Purchase of Alaska.The Purchase of Alaska took place on March 30, 1867, when the U.S signed an agreement to purchase Alaska from Russia for  $7.2 million. This political Cartoon is showing  President William Seward wheeling away Alaska from buying it from Russia to gain more territory for the U.S. The cartoonists message is that it was a waste of money to purchase Alaska. Since Russia is taking away a lot of money in the background, while the U.S is wheeling a block of ice. Another person might view the purchase as a good thing since in the end it became known as a bargain. And lots of new materials came from the purchase.In this cartoon their is symbolism, and labeling. The cartoonist used Symbolism in this cartoon, by showing the U.S reeling Alaska away with Russia in the background. They also used labeling on the bag Russia is taking away as well as Alaska the wagon, and at the bottom of the page. This cartoon supports my position on American imperialism, because their was no violence in purchasing Alaska, and it wasn't a waste of money since eventually it became a bargain and the U.S was able to use it for more than one purpose. 
"Mr Benson Quarter 3 Project." : The Purchase Of Alaska. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

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