Monday, February 22, 2016

The Panama Canal

This political cartoon is about the Panama Canal. The cartoonists message on this is that the U.S used too much force to acquire the land to build the Panama Canal. Which was used to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans to ship goods more easily. Others might feel like the U.S didn’t at all used too much force since the land was useful and needed and that Columbia was being persistent. The cartoonist used Symbolism, by showing how the U.S forcefully took the land to build the Panama Canal. As well as the elephant symbolizing the republicans. They also used labeling, on the ladder, the Panama Canal, and the flags. As well as exaggeration since the cartoon was over exaggerated to make a point, with all the guns and weapons as if the U.S is forcefully trying to take the Panama Canal. This supports my position on American imperialism since the U.S used force, and this cartoon shows that the U.S using force was bad. Since i do not support expanding using violence.
""Coup D'Etat" A Political Cartoon about the Panama Canal.Group 4s US Foreign Relations Blog. N.p., 12 Sept. 2013. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

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