Monday, February 22, 2016

The Panama Canal

This political cartoon is about the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal was a strip of land connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans making it easier for ships to one ocean to another more easily. The cartoonists message is that the U.S forcefully took the Panama Canal. Since it shows the U. S’s violence to Columbia as Uncle Sam starts digging the canal. Others might think the U.S was just trying to get Columbia to give up Panama for a good cause. The cartoonist used Labeling, on the U.S bag and on Columbia. There is also Symbolism, because the U.S chocking Columbia shows how the U.S “forcefully” took the land of the Panama Canal. Lastly exaggeration, which is showing the violence between the U.S and Columbia, as if the U.S is forcefully trying to take the land. This supports my position on American imperialism. Since the cartoonists shows how the U.S was very violent, and i feel that they shouldn't use violence to expand.
"Yesterday's History... Tomorrow's A Mystery." : Teddy Roosevelt and the Panama Canal. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

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