Monday, February 22, 2016

The Annexation of Hawaii

The issue in this cartoon is The Annexation of Hawaii. The Annexation of Hawaii was when the foreigners overthrew the queen at the time, and annexed Hawaii becoming a state in the U.S. From this the U.S gained raw materials and a military base. The cartoonists message in this cartoon is that the U.S was the only way Hawaii would stop having periodical eruptions. As if the U.S was almost keeping the eruptions using Uncle Sam’s hat. Others might think of this cartoon as the U.S thinking it is the only one to help, like it might have more power. The techniques used in this cartoon are symbolism, labeling, and analogy. It is symbolizing the U.S as a cap to protect Hawaii from eruption. Labeling is being used on Hawaii and on the bottom of the page. The analogy is that the U.S is like a cap covering Hawaii from eruption. This cartoon supports my position on American imperialism, even though the farmers used a bit more force than necessary to overthrow the queen. They didn't use violence or start a war, because i think that it isn't a good choice to use violence to expand.
"Political Cartoon - U.S. Annexation of Hawaii." Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

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