Monday, February 22, 2016

The Open Door Policy

The issue of this political cartoon is The Open Door Policy. The Open Door Policy was a policy that enabled countries to form monopolies in trade with china, it also helped the U.S reach new markets and raw materials. The cartoonists message on this issue is that Uncle Sam is trying to make a deal with china about the Open Door Policy. While the men in the background represent other countries that are part of the sphere of influence. Some might think that the U.S was trying to manipulate china and try to take more power over the Open Door Policy and to get more materials out of, so they can expand, others might disagree. The cartoonist used labeling, and symbolism. The map on the wall is a form of labeling. the picture symbolizes Uncle Sam trying to make friends with china to get to its markets and raw materials. Or trying to get it into their sphere of influence. This cartoon supports my position on American imperialism by  showing the U.S trying to expand in a friendly way. By expanding this was able to get us to new markets and raw materials. 
"Political Cartoon - Nikki China." Political Cartoon - Nikki China. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

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