Monday, February 22, 2016

The Annexation of Hawaii

The issue in this cartoon is The Annexation of Hawaii. The Annexation of Hawaii was when the foreigners overthrew the queen at the time, and annexed Hawaii becoming a state in the U.S. From this the U.S gained raw materials and a military base. The cartoonists message in this cartoon is that the U.S was the only way Hawaii would stop having periodical eruptions. As if the U.S was almost keeping the eruptions using Uncle Sam’s hat. Others might think of this cartoon as the U.S thinking it is the only one to help, like it might have more power. The techniques used in this cartoon are symbolism, labeling, and analogy. It is symbolizing the U.S as a cap to protect Hawaii from eruption. Labeling is being used on Hawaii and on the bottom of the page. The analogy is that the U.S is like a cap covering Hawaii from eruption. This cartoon supports my position on American imperialism, even though the farmers used a bit more force than necessary to overthrow the queen. They didn't use violence or start a war, because i think that it isn't a good choice to use violence to expand.
"Political Cartoon - U.S. Annexation of Hawaii." Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

The Panama Canal

This political cartoon is about the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal was a strip of land connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans making it easier for ships to one ocean to another more easily. The cartoonists message is that the U.S forcefully took the Panama Canal. Since it shows the U. S’s violence to Columbia as Uncle Sam starts digging the canal. Others might think the U.S was just trying to get Columbia to give up Panama for a good cause. The cartoonist used Labeling, on the U.S bag and on Columbia. There is also Symbolism, because the U.S chocking Columbia shows how the U.S “forcefully” took the land of the Panama Canal. Lastly exaggeration, which is showing the violence between the U.S and Columbia, as if the U.S is forcefully trying to take the land. This supports my position on American imperialism. Since the cartoonists shows how the U.S was very violent, and i feel that they shouldn't use violence to expand.
"Yesterday's History... Tomorrow's A Mystery." : Teddy Roosevelt and the Panama Canal. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

The Open Door Policy

The issue of this political cartoon is The Open Door Policy. The Open Door Policy was a policy that enabled countries to form monopolies in trade with china, it also helped the U.S reach new markets and raw materials. The cartoonists message on this issue is that Uncle Sam is trying to make a deal with china about the Open Door Policy. While the men in the background represent other countries that are part of the sphere of influence. Some might think that the U.S was trying to manipulate china and try to take more power over the Open Door Policy and to get more materials out of, so they can expand, others might disagree. The cartoonist used labeling, and symbolism. The map on the wall is a form of labeling. the picture symbolizes Uncle Sam trying to make friends with china to get to its markets and raw materials. Or trying to get it into their sphere of influence. This cartoon supports my position on American imperialism by  showing the U.S trying to expand in a friendly way. By expanding this was able to get us to new markets and raw materials. 
"Political Cartoon - Nikki China." Political Cartoon - Nikki China. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

The Panama Canal

This political cartoon is about the Panama Canal. The cartoonists message on this is that the U.S used too much force to acquire the land to build the Panama Canal. Which was used to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans to ship goods more easily. Others might feel like the U.S didn’t at all used too much force since the land was useful and needed and that Columbia was being persistent. The cartoonist used Symbolism, by showing how the U.S forcefully took the land to build the Panama Canal. As well as the elephant symbolizing the republicans. They also used labeling, on the ladder, the Panama Canal, and the flags. As well as exaggeration since the cartoon was over exaggerated to make a point, with all the guns and weapons as if the U.S is forcefully trying to take the Panama Canal. This supports my position on American imperialism since the U.S used force, and this cartoon shows that the U.S using force was bad. Since i do not support expanding using violence.
""Coup D'Etat" A Political Cartoon about the Panama Canal.Group 4s US Foreign Relations Blog. N.p., 12 Sept. 2013. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

The Purchase of Alaska

In this political cartoon the issue is the Purchase of Alaska.The Purchase of Alaska took place on March 30, 1867, when the U.S signed an agreement to purchase Alaska from Russia for  $7.2 million. This political Cartoon is showing  President William Seward wheeling away Alaska from buying it from Russia to gain more territory for the U.S. The cartoonists message is that it was a waste of money to purchase Alaska. Since Russia is taking away a lot of money in the background, while the U.S is wheeling a block of ice. Another person might view the purchase as a good thing since in the end it became known as a bargain. And lots of new materials came from the purchase.In this cartoon their is symbolism, and labeling. The cartoonist used Symbolism in this cartoon, by showing the U.S reeling Alaska away with Russia in the background. They also used labeling on the bag Russia is taking away as well as Alaska the wagon, and at the bottom of the page. This cartoon supports my position on American imperialism, because their was no violence in purchasing Alaska, and it wasn't a waste of money since eventually it became a bargain and the U.S was able to use it for more than one purpose. 
"Mr Benson Quarter 3 Project." : The Purchase Of Alaska. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

The Open Door Policy

The issue in this political cartoon is The Open Door Policy. The Open Door Policy was a policy that enabled countries to form monopolies in trade with china. The cartoonists message is that the U.S had the key to open up china to the world. As countries wait outside the gates to go and trade. While the Chinese citizens are waiting anxiously for visitors. Others might think that the U.S acted as if it had control of the key, and that it used its power to gain more. The cartoonist used labeling. On the key written American Diplomacy, and at the top written China. There is also symbolism involved. Since Uncle Sam holding the key symbolizes him having control of it and opening china to the world. This cartoon supports my position on American imperialism, because with The Open Door Policy the U.S was able to acquire raw materials and that helped us expand and grow to where we are today.
"Open Door, Boxers, and Bananas." K.C. Schwartz. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

The Spanish American War

The political cartoon is about the Spanish American War. The cartoonists message is that the U.S would expand too much. Since after the Spanish American war Uncle Sam added Cuba, The Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico to his suit designed as the American flag. Others might think the U.S. is expanding too much by adding Cuba, The Philippines Guam and Puerto Rico. The cartoonist used labeling on the suit and on the fabrics. Their is also labeling on the jars which say anti expansion policy. The cartoonist used symbolism by showing how the suit symbolized the new land, and how Uncle Sam was over expanding by getting bigger. While the people in the back are trying to give him anti expansion medicine. This cartoon supports my view on American imperialism. Since it shows how the U.S. grew too big and was over expanding which is what my position was and that it was adding new territory it couldn't withstand.
"Ridiculing the Anti-Imperialist League's Opposition to the Conquest of the Philippines." Ridiculing the Anti-Imperialist League's Opposition to the Conquest of the Philippines. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.

The Annexation of Hawaii

The issue of this political cartoon is the Annexation of Hawaii. The Annexation of Hawaii was when the U.S planters overthrew the ruler at the time Queen Liliuokalani, and after a while annexed Hawaii. Acquired raw materials such as sugar canes and developed military bases. The cartoonist's message was to show how the U.S only picked the ripe fruit. Since under the picture it says how Uncle Sam only picks the ripe fruit. What the cartoonists means by saying that the U.S only picks ripe fruit is that they only annexed Hawaii because of the raw materials such as sugar cane. Another person could see this cartoon as showing how the U.S takes land like a person would take fruit. This isn’t really a good thing because it shows that the U.S thinks it has more power. The cartoonist used symbolism since the picture is symbolizing the U.S taking land like picking fruit therefore there is also labeling taking place, because the apples have different states and countries written on them, as well as the words written under Uncle Sam. This cartoon supports my position on American imperialism because it shows how the U.S only took good land, and my point on American imperialism is that as long as the U.S didn’t take land forcefully and unjustly it is a way of spreading and growing the economy.

"Illustration: "Uncle Sam Catches the Ripe Fruit"" Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.